If you want to report a dupe bug please PM me. This is nearly a 100% rewrite of the old mod because the old code was extremely dirty and this is a version for Forge. But he put all his code to the net so others can resurrect it.
Unfortunately he no longer supports this mod. This is a rewrite of MigthyPorks Backpack Mod. If I would ever start playing Minecraft again I might continue this project and bring out a new version for the Minecraft version that is out then but I will not fix any bugs in the old versions. There are some other great backpack mods out there so please give one of them a try. Loading times have increased more and more over the years and having to wait 15 minutes just to start a game is no fun at all. I don't have the time or passion to work on backpacks and I also don't play Minecraft any more.